OBD Tools now offers a JSON API which can be used to retrieve the raw result data.
If you want to play with the API i recommend using Postman. It's a free software with a userfiendly interface.

API response format - GET request
    "path": "/api/...", 
    "fields": [
        "name": "xxxx", 
        "required": xxxx
        "criteria": "xxxx", 
API response format - POST request

If the request was successful:

    "errors": null,
    "result": "..."

The result field contains the requested data. Note that the data can have different formats f.e string, list or dict. For more information take a look at the details for the specific API endpoint you want to use.

If the request failed:

    "errors": {
        "field name": [
            "error details"
    "result": null
    "errors": "error details",
    "result": null

The field name is replaced with the field that contains errors.
The error details tell you more about the error.

Endpoint details

The SVM API can be accessed through the following path: /api/svm
It accepts POST (send data and receive result) and GET (get endpoint details in raw json format) as request methods.
When using POST as method the following form body fields are supported by the API:

Field name Required Criteria for passed value
value yes The value must either be 4 digit hex or 5 digit decimal.

Example with using curl:
curl -X POST -d "value=12345" https://obd.itsezz.de/api/svm
API response:

    "errors": null,
    "result": "63979"

Endpoint details

The Hex 2 Binary API can be accessed through the following path: /api/htb
It accepts POST (send data and receive result) and GET (get endpoint details in raw json format) as request methods.
When using POST as method the following form body fields are supported by the API:

Field name Required Criteria for passed value
value yes Length between 2 and 70 characters. Length must be even. Value must be hexadecimal.

Example with using curl:
curl -X POST -d "value=ff0588" https://obd.itsezz.de/api/htb
API response:

    "errors": null,
    "result": [
            "byte_no": "00",
            "hex": "ff",
            "bit_0": "1",
            "bit_1": "1",
            "bit_2": "1",
            "bit_3": "1",
            "bit_4": "1",
            "bit_5": "1",
            "bit_6": "1",
            "bit_7": "1"
            "byte_no": "01",
            "hex": "05",
            "bit_0": "1",
            "bit_1": "0",
            "bit_2": "1",
            "bit_3": "0",
            "bit_4": "0",
            "bit_5": "0",
            "bit_6": "0",
            "bit_7": "0"

Endpoint details

The PR Codes Lookup API can be accessed through the following path: /api/prl
It accepts POST (send data and receive result) and GET (get endpoint details in raw json format) as request methods.
When using POST as method the following form body fields are supported by the API:

Field name Required Criteria for passed value
codes yes The PR codes you want to lookup separated by a space. Each PR code must be 3 characters long. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed.

Example with using curl:
curl -X POST -d "codes=1ke 1ze 000" https://obd.itsezz.de/api/prl
API response:

    "errors": null,
    "result": {
        "found_codes": [
            "1KE = Disk brakes in rear",
            "1ZE = Disk brakes in front (Geomet D)"
        "not_found_codes": [
            "000 = not found in database"

Endpoint details

The Coding Compare API can be accessed through the following path: /api/cc
It accepts POST (send data and receive result) and GET (get endpoint details in raw json format) as request methods.
When using POST as method the following form body fields are supported by the API:

Field name Required Criteria for passed value
value1 yes Length between 2 and 70 characters. Length must be even. Value must be hexadecimal.
value2 yes Length between 2 and 70 characters. Length must be even. Value must be hexadecimal.
onlyDiff no Either true or false. Default value is false.

Example with using curl:
curl -X POST -d "value1=115f0a08" -d "value2=44320308" -d "onlyDiff=true" https://obd.itsezz.de/api/cc
API response:

    "errors": null,
    "result": [
            "byte_no": "00",
            "byte_is_different": true,
            "hex1": "11",
            "hex2": "44",
            "bin1": {
                "0": { "bit_is_different": true, "bit_value": "1" },
                "1": { "bit_is_different": false, "bit_value": "0" },
                "2": { "bit_is_different": true, "bit_value": "0" },
                "3": { "bit_is_different": false, "bit_value": "0" },
                "4": { "bit_is_different": true, "bit_value": "1" },
                "5": { "bit_is_different": false, "bit_value": "0" },
                "6": { "bit_is_different": true, "bit_value": "0" },
                "7": { "bit_is_different": false, "bit_value": "0" }
            "bin2": {
                "0": { "bit_is_different": true, "bit_value": "0" },
                "1": { "bit_is_different": false, "bit_value": "0" },
                "2": { "bit_is_different": true, "bit_value": "1" },
                "3": { "bit_is_different": false, "bit_value": "0" },
                "4": { "bit_is_different": true, "bit_value": "0" },
                "5": { "bit_is_different": false, "bit_value": "0" },
                "6": { "bit_is_different": true, "bit_value": "1" },
                "7": { "bit_is_different": false, "bit_value": "0" }
            "byte_no": "01",

Endpoint details

The Backup Converter API can be accessed through the following path: /api/bc
It accepts POST (send data and receive result) and GET (get endpoint details in raw json format) as request methods.
When using POST as method the following form body fields are supported by the API:

Field name Required Criteria for passed value
backup yes A file (f.e *.txt) containing your OBDeleven backup in its original and unmodified format. The backup must be between 10 and 10.000.000 characters.
delimiter yes Must be a single character.
excludeAdvIdent yes This field must be either true or false.

Example with using curl:
curl -X POST -F "backup=@path/to/my-file.txt" --form-string "delimiter=;" -F "excludeAdvIdent=true" https://obd.itsezz.de/api/bc
API response:

    "errors": null,
    "result": "...OBDeleven vehicle history log\n\nDate;..."